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Thu, Apr 25



Cleanse your Spirit: A Reiki Self-Love Circle

Join Lindsi of The Resilient for a transformative Reiki Cleanse Circle. This event isn't just about cleansing your spirit—it's about embracing the profound beauty of gathering as one to nurture our souls and lift each other up.

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Cleanse your Spirit: A Reiki Self-Love Circle
Cleanse your Spirit: A Reiki Self-Love Circle

Time & Location

Apr 25, 2024, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Moore, 111 N Broadway Ave, Moore, OK 73160, USA


About the event

In these uncertain times, the need for connection and healing has never been more palpable. We are all traversing our paths, carrying burdens, joys, and dreams. Yet, when we come together, something magical happens. ✨

As we sit in our circle, surrounded by the gentle glow of love and light, we embark on a journey of renewal—a journey where our energies intertwine and dance in harmony with the universe. Through guided meditation and the healing touch of Reiki, we'll unlock the hidden chambers of our hearts and release what no longer serves us. 🌀💫

But this event is more than just a gathering—it's a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. It's a reminder that no matter how heavy our burdens may seem, we are never alone. In the embrace of community, we find solace, strength, and endless possibilities. 🌿🌈

So, why gather to heal together? Because in our shared vulnerability, we discover the true essence of humanity. Because in holding space for one another, we become beacons of hope and compassion. Because in the warmth of each other's presence, we find the courage to face our shadows and emerge as radiant beings of light. ✨💖

This Love Donation-based event invites you to pay what you can, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to partake in this sacred experience. Reserve your spot today and let's embark on this journey of healing, renewal, and boundless love together. 🌟🌿

With open hearts and outstretched hands, let us come together to create a world where healing knows no boundaries—a world where love reigns supreme. See you there, dear friends. 💗🙏


  • Love Donation

    Ticket Valid for One Entry. Give what you can; donation-based ticket

    Pay what you want
    +Service fee
    Sale ended



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