The first time I saw a crystal, I was in dreamland.
Yes, you read that right. I began my spiritual and holistic wellness journey in 2017 when I started dreaming of crystals. I was raised here in Moore, Oklahoma which is why I picked it for Cosmic Flora's home base. Moore is Native Land with a rich spiritual history and I appreciate all that the Earth here has to give. I grew up like many in Oklahoma do, with no understanding of spirituality outside of traditional religious teachings. I have always been curious and full of questions, feeling called to dig deeper from an early age.
In 2018, I began learning more and continuing to actively use crystals which led me to an apprenticeship in two energetic modalities; reiki and crystal therapy. After completing my first spiritual development course, I took a six month sabbatical to embark on a journey that would infuse all of my gifts into one. Here we are five years later. When the Universe called, I picked up.
Through the infusion of all of these gifts, I look to help others grow and heal themselves using Mother Earth's tools. My emphasis is on education, both with crystals and alternative wellness modalities. My goal is for you to recognize that these are tools that will help you on your path to self healing and to teach you how to use them to grow in your own practice, but you are the greatest tool in your toolbox. I don't reference myself as a healer. I'm a person, just like you, who has found my own path to healing, works at it everyday, and is now trained to share. All of these practices are ancient and sacred, I'm privileged and excited to fuse them together to help you on your healing journey. Stop by anytime, I can't wait to meet you.